Wednesday, June 29, 2005

Somewhere Out There...

My brother and I were in Blockbuster the other night, and they were playing a movie. I noticed it because they had the volume up really loud. It was a cartoon, and I didn't really pay that much attention, except I thought some of the dialog was really corny... then all of a sudden I heard *singing* "there are no cats in America, and the streets are paved with cheese".... I yelled to Marc, and made him quickly come look at the tv (the people in the store must have thought I was crazy), and I said "Marc, it's FIEVEL!" Marc looked at me, and he said.. "Wow, you and Jimmy loved that movie..."

That has to be the first time I've seen it since I was about 5!! And when we were 5, Jim and I used to sing "Sooooooomewhere out theeeeeere, beneaf the pebblu liiiigghhhtt.... " (of course we had no idea that the real lyrics were "pale blue" and not "pebblu"... pebblu is much better!!)

So truly, I guess that's our song... so this one's for you my Jimmy...

Somewhere out there, beneath the 'pebblu' light
Someone's thinking of me, and loving me tonight
Somewhere out there, someone's saying a prayer
That we'll find each other, in that big somewhere out there...


At 6/29/2005 10:15:00 AM, Blogger N.T. Sue said...

Lele, I remember you guys singing and I remember that big stuffed Fievel mouse with the black hat that he loved. You two were like tiny cartoon characters when you were animated and happy..I don't think that ever changed even when you were both all grown up!

At 6/29/2005 10:15:00 AM, Blogger N.T. Sue said...

Lele, I remember you guys singing and I remember that big stuffed Fievel mouse with the black hat that he loved. You two were like tiny cartoon characters when you were animated and happy..I don't think that ever changed even when you were both all grown up!

At 7/14/2005 05:20:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is So Sweet, You guys are lucky to have had such a Great Friend, Brother and Boyfriend in your life.


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