Tuesday, May 31, 2005

Well, yesterday was Memorial Day and I have been remembering all sorts of little things like the time Jimmy "camped out" in his Uncle Russ's back yard with his little cousin Russ & Uncle Russ. He must have been all of maybe 7 and his "Unc" pitched the tent under a pine tree about 40 feet from the back of the house. The three of them settled in and I just couldn't help sneaking out around 11:30 or so to give them a scare. After scratching at the tent and making animal noises for about 15 minutes there was a sudden blur across the back yard in the form of one Jimmy Amato with his cousin bringing up the rear. It was so funny hiding behind that tree, trying not to laugh and listening to their explanation of what was "out there" and "could it eat them!". Uncle Russ and I sat under that very pine tree by a fire just last night and laughed, remembered and paid tribute to our sweet nephew. Jimmy, so many of us love you, miss you and think of you each and every day!! Each day brings a new memory and another smile....


At 6/05/2005 04:05:00 PM, Blogger Leah Catherine said...

Oh how I love how easy it was to scare Jimmy. He was definately afraid of the things that went "bump in the night" especially behind his house in the woods. There were several occasions of camping out in the back yard and something making a noise, or we thought we saw a weird creature, and of course we'd freak out! I can picture the look he'd give anytime something freaked him out, his eyes would get real big and he'd usually go "ahhh" ... then he'd procede to laugh (once he figured out nothing was going to "get him")... Jim was kinda fascinated by that stuff that scared him too. Except spiders of course!!!

At 6/05/2005 04:15:00 PM, Blogger Leah Catherine said...

THANK YOU SOOOO MUCH Aunt Sue for posting this story!!! :-)

At 6/05/2005 10:14:00 PM, Blogger mom said...

this makes me smile...i have several "jim and the spider" stories...one comes to mind when jim and leah were about three years old! leah had recently moved back from alabama...jimmy was at the front door of our house and caught sight of a spider and ran, screaming, as fast as his little legs would go...right into miss leah's arms! She just hugged him and said in her bitty southern drawl..."It's all right Jim...Ah'm afraid of sharks!"

At 6/05/2005 10:20:00 PM, Blogger mom said...

then there was the time he went to tie his dog out back before school one crisp fall morning...he opened the sliding door and walked through a freshly spun web full of baby spiders! (about 2 million of them according to jim!) he had them all over his clothes, his face and in those dark curls of his! He said he literally jumped out of his clothes and spent the morning in the shower!

At 6/05/2005 10:29:00 PM, Blogger mom said...

then there was the night he and matt osborne were riding back from erie in the back of the van...they may have been 11 or 12...they were back there talking and jim made a few remarks about something tickling his face...I turned the light on and they realized a spider about the size of a small buffalo had been roaming around on jimmy's face....not good! I pulled over and the two of them were out of the van in a blink of an eye! and we never found the spider...but for the next several mornings there would be a new web in the back corner of the van...no wonder he detested spiders!

At 6/05/2005 11:17:00 PM, Blogger Leah Catherine said...

Every spider he saw, he would keep his eyes on it at all times... so it would not jump on him! He would walk ever so slowly and until he was to safety.


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