Remembering Jimmy
Remembering Jimmy is a place for friends and family of Jim to visit. Please view pictures, post stories, leave comments, and remember Jim. Post a blog by clicking on the Power Blogger logo under the Archives listing on the right of this page. The post will go right up on the page!! We will love you always! Russell James Marco "Jimmy" Amato (February 1, 1982 - March 3, 2005)
This "Little Jim" picture shows exactly what my Jimmy did for the first four years of his life! He was always at the rink ..."just chillin"!! His big brothers were there nearly every day for a game or practice and Jimmy was never too far away... but never quite tall enough to see over the boards! I would balance him on the back side of the boards and lean him against me so he was up high enough to watch Frank and Gabe through the glass. He was always spending quarters on hockey stickers and french fries! When he was a baby, I would take him (still asleep)in his sleepers to the rink and just tuck him in to bed in the first aid room! After the game...Jim was scooped up in his blanket and taken back home to his crib. Finally, at the age of four...Jimmy was on the other side of the boards skating with CCYHA! He was on Keith's team...Imperial Carbide!
The only reason why I was an ice skater, was because of Frank, Gabe, & Jimmy... My brother, Marc, HAD to play hockey just like the boys... so of course I HAD to skate just the boys as well... So if it wasn't for Sha Sha and her boys I would never have learned how to skate. It's amazing how the Meadville Rec Complex was such a big part of our lives growing up!!
Oh, and by the way.. in reference to Jimmy being on Keith's team...when Jim was little, as far as he was concerned Keith was the coolest person EVER... so he thought it was awesome that they were on the same team! Jim was always talking about Keith!
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