Tuesday, February 01, 2011


Happy Birthday Jimmy! Miss you buddy.

My wife and I got to see one of our favorite musicians (Dave Barnes) play this past weekend in Athens, GA.
We weren't sure who was the opening act for him but after the opener was finished, he had two, instantly new fans in Andrea and myself.
His name is Andrew Ripp and man is he talented. A great guy and very genuine.

Anyway, during his set, he prefaced one song with a quick story.
Basically, he wrote this song for a friend of his who was taken from this world way too early. Yet, he made sure to tell the crowd that this wasn't meant to be a sad or depressing song, he wrote it to be a celebration of his life and the memories that they shared. So every time he gets to play this song live for others, he gets to share in the celebrating of his friends life with each person in the crowd.

I immediately thought of Jimmy when Andrew was telling the story before the song and started to tear up during the song as it is so simple yet so powerful and moving.
Hope you enjoy the song as much as I did! ~Kyle

(And I guess the title of the song goes along with Aunt Sue's theme from her posts as well, so it all fits together nicely today!)


At 2/01/2011 08:30:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh, Kyle, what a wonderful song. Thank you for sharing. Mary Beth

At 2/02/2011 11:46:00 PM, Blogger mom said...

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At 2/02/2011 11:53:00 PM, Blogger mom said...

Thank you Kyle! I loved this song and can't wait to listen to more of his music! I do need a few tips from you on posting music from You Tube! (I do have a few recipes to send your way! Could be a snack for Super Bowl Sunday!)


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