Sunday, December 12, 2010


It's funny how little things like rainbows, Pitt basketball games, and even my daughters "wild" personality make me think about Jimmy.

Every time I see a rainbow, I always say "Hi Jim!" A couple weeks ago, I was having one of those mornings, and when I started driving to work, a rainbow followed me the whole way to work. Made me think of Jim.

Yesterday, when I was watching the Pitt basketball game, I saw someone in the crowd that from a distance reminded me of Jim. And for a split second my brain said, "you should call Jim, and see what he's doing." There isn't anything I wouldn't give to to have been able to do that right then and there.

Then there's my daughter. She's always smiling, super active, getting into everything, loud, and possibly has a little mischievous streak. She is quite the handful. I'm sure it is thoroughly entertaining for Jim to watch. It's as if he's whispering in her ear. He must be looking down, just laughing that little evil laugh as he watches her run me ragged.

Thanks Jim! ;-)


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