Tuesday, February 01, 2011

Happy Birthday Jim!

Sitting here in this horrible ice storm, I can't help but dream about warm weather! I found these two pictures from our Florida trip. One is from Margaritaville (looks like we all had Cheeseburger's in Paradise). The other one is from Disney (I forget which cute little twin I was carrying around). I remember when we got to the park a little lizard jumped on Jim's foot and just hung out there for a few minutes. He thought it was the coolest thing. Happy Birthday Jim! I wish we were celebrating your birthday on a warm, sunny beach.


At 2/03/2011 12:11:00 AM, Blogger mom said...

I loved that vacation Ashley! And the fact that you knew the words to nearly every little song and nursery rhyme we could possibly think of on our drive through West Virginia!
(As Jimmy snoozed!)There were so many memories from St. Pete's Beach!
A great time! Absolutely!! :)


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