Monday, December 25, 2006

3 amigos!


At 12/25/2006 01:46:00 AM, Blogger N.T. Sue said...

This was Christmas of 1988 I think. I bought Jimmy and his brothers new bikes that year and as luck would have it there was no snow. At the time I lived in a very small apartment and "hiding" 3 bikes was a challenge to say the least! Jimmy's was hidden in my tiny half bath and I had to climb on the toilet just to get a picture of him when he found it. This is a picture of them Christmas morning in my kitchen with their "rides". Notice Jim has on his famous yellow boots. I love you, hon...Merry Christmas!!

At 1/18/2007 10:41:00 PM, Blogger Angelo Bufalino said...

Check out the RIMS on Gabes bike. In Memphis, that would command respect!


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