Sunday, October 29, 2006

That smile

"But, my God, it's so beautiful when the boy smiles,
Wanna hold him. Maybe I'll just sing about it.

Cause you can't jump the track, we're like cars on a cable,
And life's like an hourglass, glued to the table.
No one can find the rewind button, boys,
So cradle your head in your hands,
And breathe... just breathe,
Oh breathe, just breathe"

These lyrics are from an Anna Nalick song that seems to be everywhere right now. Every time I hear these lines I think of Jim and how he had that incredible smile. All he had to do was flash those pearly whites and if you were mad the anger lessened. If you were sad it made you smile and if you were already in a good mood it just made it better. I'm not sure if Jimmy knew exactly what effect that smile had on people but I'm sure he had an idea. In fact there are probably a few young ladies out there that can confirm my suspicions! I know he could melt my heart with just a look and a smile and change an absolute "NO!" to a "Well, okay." just by turning up the corners of his mouth. In fact he could do that from a very early age! I think of him every single day and somewhere in those thoughts is that remarkable smile. Love you, Jimmy!!!


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