Last New Years eve Jimmy had plans in Pittsburgh with friends and told me he would not be home for dinner on New Years day. Only once did he ever miss dinner with our family on that holiday and he was excused! Three years ago, he spent the week between Christmas and New Years with his Keri in New York! He so loved that trip...I remember him telling me that Keri told him to be prepared because her mom would have fresh flowers in his room for him! Jim loved fresh flowers! He had a great time with Keri's family and truly enjoyed being there. I do remember him calling me for the stuffed mushroom recipe! He loved to cook for his friends. He enjoyed New Years eve but I know that this trip to New York found him dreadfully ill with food poisoning. The family had dined at a restaurant and Jim's meal did not agree with him! He had been so ill that Keri's mom took him to the emergency room. One very sick Jim! That was 2003... Last year, as I said, Jim had plans and was not coming home. His brothers, Frank and Gabe were here and we were just getting seated for dinner at Uncle Russ's home, when there was a knock at the door and in came my Jim!!! I was so absolutely excited! Thrilled to have him there with us and really so completely excited at the surprise! I remember how I kissed him and hugged and held him so tight! It was wonderful! Thank you Jimmy... for that memory. Bless you little son!
although i don't know jimmy personally, i can guess he must have been a wonderful person, to be remembered by all his family and friends. i wish you all happiness always. =)
Thank you Camille & Keri for your comments. I really love when Jim's (Russell's) friends leave messages. I think it's great to hear the other stories that I have not heard!
I always found the Jim/Russell thing to be amusing. Keri and I would be having a conversation about "Jim/Russell",,, and I would refer to him as Jimmy and Keri would refer to him as Russell, back and forth, there would be no way for someone to follow the conversation and understand that we were talking about the same person!! It always made me laugh because half the time Jim forgot his name was Russell, but hated to be called "Jimmy" unless by family or close friends. So the fact that this site is "Remembering Jimmy" instead of "Remembering Jim" probably really irritates him ;-). Jim used to get so annoyed with me when I would introduce him to my friends as Jimmy... and since I just couldn't call him Russell, once he tried to convince me to introduce him as Marco. I told him he was crazy!!
I was thinking... and I believe that I spent more New Year's with Jim than any other person I know, aside from my parents and brother. My mom usually worked on New Year's eve, so my dad would take my brother and I over to Sha Sha's to hang out with the boys. I'm not sure how many years we did that, but it was definitely a lot:-)
anlicLittle Miss Leah...You win! Yes...you and Jim brought many years "in" together...building forts and tents in the living room with your collective brothers while mommy worked and your dad and I broiled sausage , made you guys a snack and waited to call your mom at midnight!
Oh my gosh, making forts were probably one of our many favorite things to do when we were little... but when were a bit older (probably 13 or 14 yrs old, maybe older??), Jim and I were babysitting little Jimmy and Lexi... and we decided to make a fort. Since we were older, of course we had a bit more skill... We made a fort that spanned Jim's entire bedroom. It had tunnels, and different rooms, and all kinds of crazy stuff. It was definitely the coolest fort we ever made!!
Wonderful recall Leah Catherine! Yes...you and Jim watched Jimmy and Lexi! Jim could(would) not change Lexi, who was still attached to her diaper! Poor Leah....you had the worst of the deal! And yes, I remember you both talking about that incredible fort! It is great when our memories are jogged and we bring these little memories to light!
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