Friday, December 23, 2005

Jimmy's ornaments...2005

Rather than put all of our family ornaments on the tree (there are SO many) I chose to put up a real tree with only the decorations and ornaments collected over the past 23 years for Jim! Hand made in pre-school or collected on vacations, they all tell a sweet story about one very special person's life...his interests...his adventures...his travels and his love! This tree's for Jim! Posted by Picasa


At 12/26/2005 12:23:00 AM, Blogger N.T. Sue said...

You can't see it in this picture but hanging on the wall to the right of this tree is a touching little piece of art work that Jimmy painted in his early grade school days. It's a big picture of a Christmas tree with all the gifts under it and his name scrawled across the page in letters so big that he almost couldn't fit the "Y" on so next to the big letter "M" is a tiny little "Y" squeezed in at the edge of the page.


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