Monday, September 12, 2005

Jim and Keebler "Straws"!

This really brings back memories! When Jim was 6 or 7 years old he came up with an ingenious little "dunk" for Keebler chocolate covered graham crackers! He nibbled opposite corners...just a wee nibble...and dunked the corner in a cup of ice cold milk...using the cookie as a straw, he would sip milk through the cookie and when it was full of milk...he would pop the whole thing in his mouth! Talk about a yummy little treat! Try it!


At 9/13/2005 12:02:00 AM, Blogger Leah Catherine said...

I have eaten plenty of cookies this way. Boy, did we think we were cool cuz we could drink milk through a cookie! We were easily amused, but I have to say, this was a very clever invention!


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