Nature boys revisited
It's been 6 months and 3 days and it hardly seems possible that the time has passed so quickly. I spent yesterday reflecting on some of my own special memories with my Jimmy and ended up on a back road in Cambridge Springs. When the boys were little and spent many nights bunking at Gramma & Papa's house in Cambridge I'd stop out to visit with them. At least every other week I'd round them up and ask who wanted to go "exploring" and Jim and his brother Gabe were usually in the back seat of my car before I could finish the sentence! Try as I might, I could never talk Frank into coming along but didn't have to ask twice with Jim or Gabe. Of course "exploring" was simply a trip to the pheasant farm up the road where we'd collect feathers or occassionally some bird bones and then we'd venture on to the less traveled back roads along French Creek. We'd hop out of the car, poke sticks in the mud, look for fish or turtles and pretend all sorts of things lived in that creek and could jump out at any moment...maybe even snakes! Oddly enough this time must have been before Jim developed his spider phobia because that never came up;). I went down that road yesterday and was feeling so very sad thinking about those times when it suddenly dawned on me...I have those special memories that not another single soul on this earth but we three have!! I realized that I need to be thankful for those memories I have and not dwell on what I'll miss. I have a treasure chest full of "hugs and kisses" and wonderful times spent together. Thank you, Jimmy!
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