Tuesday, May 31, 2005

Well, yesterday was Memorial Day and I have been remembering all sorts of little things like the time Jimmy "camped out" in his Uncle Russ's back yard with his little cousin Russ & Uncle Russ. He must have been all of maybe 7 and his "Unc" pitched the tent under a pine tree about 40 feet from the back of the house. The three of them settled in and I just couldn't help sneaking out around 11:30 or so to give them a scare. After scratching at the tent and making animal noises for about 15 minutes there was a sudden blur across the back yard in the form of one Jimmy Amato with his cousin bringing up the rear. It was so funny hiding behind that tree, trying not to laugh and listening to their explanation of what was "out there" and "could it eat them!". Uncle Russ and I sat under that very pine tree by a fire just last night and laughed, remembered and paid tribute to our sweet nephew. Jimmy, so many of us love you, miss you and think of you each and every day!! Each day brings a new memory and another smile....

"If I had a single flower for every time I think about you, I could walk forever in my garden."

Saturday, May 28, 2005

Jim was probably trying to get "chauky milk" or Chocolate milk from the fridge Posted by Hello

Thursday, May 26, 2005

Little Jim :-) Posted by Hello

Monday, May 23, 2005


This is what Jim looked like when he got home from South Carolina. I remember he came to my house, and his hair was long and kind of orange. And he had this goatee that was long, and really kinda gross! He ran into my house with his hair standing on end (he had his head out the window while driving from Meadville to Erie) and tackled me! He looked like a werewolf!Posted by Hello

Jim & his Mom

North Carolina -- 2002?Posted by Hello

Hangin' Out

Jim & the boys Posted by Hello

Jim @ Christmas 2004 Posted by Hello

Gabe & Jim

Posted by Hello

I'm not sure when this one was taken, but Jim's hair was super long! Posted by Hello

I think this was another Buffett concert Posted by Hello

Jim & Leah Christine Posted by Hello

Jim & Ashley Posted by Hello

Jimmy & Gabe Posted by Hello

Buffett concert -- June 2000 Posted by Hello

P.I. T. T. Let's Go Pitt! Posted by Hello

This is a very cute picture of Jim. However, no matter how many times I saw him with those contacts, it was just so weird! Posted by Hello

Jim with long hair Posted by Hello

Little buzz cut Posted by Hello

Half way there Posted by Hello

Almost bald Jim Posted by Hello

Bald Jim Posted by Hello

Wednesday, May 11, 2005

"The man of the hour, the tower of power, So sweet can't be sour"

This picture was forwarded from Chet Hancock

These pictures were sent with Picasa, from Google.
Try it out here: http://www.picasa.com/

Sunday, May 08, 2005

Disney World

Jimmy is about 19 in this picture I think??

Teah's Baptism

Let's Go Pitt!

Sha Sha & her Boys... Frank, Jim, Gabe, and her Godson Marc

Gabey, Jimmy, Frankie, and their Mum

Jimmy Buffett

Saturday, May 07, 2005

Me & "My Jim" in the Tub

This is one of my very favorite pictures of Jimmy and I. Sorry, Jim... I have now shown the whole world our bathtub pictures :-)

Posting Blogs by Email to Remembering Jimmy


After playing with this site for the last 2 months, I have figured out the easiest way for everyone to post their own blogs to the site. Simply type up whatever you want to say, and send it as an email to the following address:


A picture can be sent if it is copied and pasted in the text of the email message. Currently, I do not believe that attachments will go through.

Then just send the email to that address it will automatically post to the site!! I think it is pretty cool! The post below I emailed from my yahoo account. So hopefully everyone will be able to try it out! Thanks guys!!!


Jim & the Guys

Do you Yahoo!?
Make Yahoo! your home page

Thursday, May 05, 2005


I just wanted to let everyone know that if you purchase a Sunday Trucker t-shirt, a portion of cost will be dontated in Jimmy's honor to the Susan G. Komen Breast Cancer Foundation. Below is the quote from SundayTrucker.com

"We are in the process of updating the site to a new look. We will donate $2.30 for every t-shirt that we sell from today until the new site is up. The money will be donated in Jimmy's honor to the Susan G. Komen Breast Cancer Foundation."
