Monday, February 01, 2010


"If there is any secret
to this life I live, this is it:
the sound of what cannot be seen
sings within everything that can.
& there is nothing more to it
than that."

...Brian Andreas/story people


At 4/24/2010 12:55:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is Addy's mom Bette and my nose is still running after visiting your wonderful website. This is what Jimmy looked like when I met him. We sat and talked while Addy was getting dressed to go out. He and I had a very interesting conversation and I remember telling Addy that I could sit and talk to Jimmy all day! He was most personable and polite. I most liked the way he was able to sit and talk about things men his age wouldn't be interested in. I think about him from time to time though I only spoke with him that one time. Barb I can't imagine how it feels to loose a son and I pray to God I never have to find out. Be well. Bette


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