Saturday, August 20, 2005

Little Jim...Little Luke!

Jimmy always wanted a pet! In first grade he wrote a poem at school...

there is a mouse
under my house

he is my pet
the best pet yet...

First there was a parakeet named Lemonhead who had a brain tumor....then Bluebird the parakeet who would say "Hello Jimmy!"...Mario and Porsche the finches, who I eliminated with a single spray of Lysol...a turtle that made his home here for a very short time...finally Aunt Sue blessed them with a little Springer named "Attitude"....he was related to "Turner and Hootch" and destroyed anything in sight....Sorry Attitude. Then when Gabe graduated and was heading for WVU, Jimmy convinced me he really needed a dog for company! Attitude had an attitude but was incredibly brilliant...there was no choice but to find a Springer...Jim always said his Aunt Sue had all the answers! So we took Leah and went shopping for Jimmy's other best friend! The litter numbered about eight...darling little girls with beautiful markings...but as Jimmy stood there, over waddled this little boy...and he climbed right up on to Jim's sandaled feet and layed down. Jim was amazed and convinced that this little dog chose him and there was no need to decide who would go home with us that day! What a wonderful little dog...what a wonderful friend for Jim and what a loving little companion to our family! We all loved this little energetic, cheese loving, pasta gourmet of a dog! He rang a bell to go outside...never did his business in the house...always went to the basement with me when it was dark...was forever grateful to walk the dam...loved to be pampered at the grooming shop...and loved going to Pittsburgh to see Jimmy! As soon as I approached Oakland he went crazy in the car...I thought he sensed that we were near Jim's apartment...then I realized Luke was experiencing sensory overload from every burger, chicken and chinese fast food restaurant in the neighborhood! At any rate Luke loved his weekends in Pittsburgh and spent a few nights marking the blocks in Shadyside with Jim in tow! I always knew how bright he was and in January I wanted to see if he could understand Italian...yes..."Luca Brazie" learned every one of his several commands in Italian! What a great dog!!!!!


At 8/20/2005 07:28:00 PM, Blogger Leah Catherine said...

Sha Sha... I think you forgot about Rambo...... but Jim loved that bluebird more than anything... everytime I see a blue bird I think of Jim... When he was young, he really had a thing for birds.... all animals really... he used to say that he wanted to be a Marine Biologist...

At 8/20/2005 10:28:00 PM, Blogger mom said...

You are correct Leah...but Rambo was Uncle Jim's a matter of fact, he was so large Jimmy could ride on his back. I recall a time at Gramma Ruthie's house when I heard a little Jimmy crying...when I asked the boys what had happened, they replied that "Rambo had checked Jimmy against the hall wall!" Funny thing is...Rambo, who loved to chew on pucks, was eventually adopted by none other than Mario Lemieux...who took him to Canada and taught him to hunt. True story!


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