Remembering Jimmy
Remembering Jimmy is a place for friends and family of Jim to visit. Please view pictures, post stories, leave comments, and remember Jim. Post a blog by clicking on the Power Blogger logo under the Archives listing on the right of this page. The post will go right up on the page!! We will love you always! Russell James Marco "Jimmy" Amato (February 1, 1982 - March 3, 2005)
I remember taking this picture as if it was yesterday, when we first started hanging out at gburg..Jim was in our room playing super nintendo while he was supposed to be in class..haha..I always had so much fun with Jim..He was the best person to do nothing with..there could be absolutely nothing to do and we'd still find something ridiculous to matter what we did he always made it fun. I'm so thankful for the awesome memories I had with Jim..He was truely one of a u Jim and I miss u soo much!!
"You can't triple stamp a double stamp Lloyd."
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