Thursday, November 24, 2005


Today is Thanksgiving and this morning I went to mass for Jimmy. The weather was wicked nasty and there were only a small handful of people there but it didn't matter. I was there and my Jim was there for a fleeting moment with me. I could feel him... and smell him... and I just knew he was there. I count my blessings today and everyday and am forever thankful for every single moment and memory that I shared with my nephew! There are still memories to be made with my family and friends but the back scratching and special times I had with my Jimmy will always burn bright. Happy Turkey Day honey!!! I love you!

Friday, November 18, 2005

Jim and Leah ~ November 18, 2002

Leah and Jim were never far apart on their birthdays...and this one was a milestone for Leah! Her 21st birthday and who else would she share such a special day with? Jim, of course! They had a great night celebrating with friends and Leah's mom and dad knew she was in good hands! Jim ALWAYS kept an eye out for his Leah Catherine! So today...Birthday wishes come to you Miss Leah...from everyone...including your Jim! Let it Snow!!!!!! Posted by Picasa

Snow for my Birthday

Today is my 24th birthday, and I have had a lot of mixed feelings about the day. Jimmy's birthday and my birthday not only symbolized another year of getting older, but also another year of our friendship. So today was pretty rough for me. However, early today I was talking to my mom and she told me how cold it was in Erie and that it had snowed a lot. She said she knew it was my birthday because it was a like a blizzard! I joked with her that Jimmy had sent her snow for my birthday. We talked about how much Jim & I loved it when it would snow. I said that if it snowed in here in Florida then I knew for sure that Jimmy sent me snow. Well tonight, Jared and I went down to Naples for dinner. On 3rd Street, all the Christmas decorations are already up, and on the light posts, they had little machines blowing soap to look like snow. I could not believe it.... so I guess in some way Jimmy really did send me snow for my birthday :-)

Wake up Sleepyhead!

I was looking in one of Jim's drawers and found a letter I sent to him in 1999 comprised of stick drawings. He and I went through this silly phase and Kodak moments of our lives were captured in these little drawings; he saved those letters and I cropped a few to share! Luke and I are trying to wake a Sleepy-time Jim early in the morning! Even his "Berks" are by his bed!Posted by Picasa

N.T. Sue and Jim!

Jim would be the first one to say that his very own Aunt Sue was THE absolute best back-scratcher in the world! He would go into a trance! Aunt would walk in the door and he would turn his back and hike his shirt up and assume the position! He didn't even have to ask...He'd look at her with those eyes and she'd be hooked and Jim would enjoy 10 minutes of pure bliss! He also swore that if he was ever on "Who wants to be a Millionaire" that his "phone-a-friend" would be his Aunt Sue...he was that confident that she had the answer to everything! Posted by Picasa

Bulldog soccer!

This one speaks for itself! I was one of Jim's best cheerleaders! Posted by Picasa

a boy and his dog...

luke LOVED cheese! Posted by Picasa

Happy Day!

February 1st! It's Your Day! Posted by Picasa

First day of school ritual!

Brothers waiting for the bus! Posted by Picasa


Mmmm...cookies! Posted by Picasa

I've got mail!

Mother's Day 1999! And BEAUTIFUL cards!!! Posted by Picasa

Ho! Ho! Ho!

Decorating the tree while the boys play! Posted by Picasa

1999...Jim was in Myrtle Beach

Jim went to stay with his dad for 4 months in 1999....he was missed by his family and friends! Posted by Picasa

It's a Great Day For Hockey!

Away game for Jim! Posted by Picasa

No Jim or Frank or Gabe...

Mom raking while Jim and his brothers play! Posted by Picasa


This is mom making a pot of sauce for the boys! Posted by Picasa

Monday, November 14, 2005

Another jump...

At the Peak... Posted by Picasa

Sunday, November 13, 2005

Jimmy & Maggie...

Jimmy was blessed with true friends and he always remained true to his friends... Posted by Picasa

Party at Peek n' Peak!

Jimmy with Maggie, Nate and friends after a day of Boarding at the Peak! Posted by Picasa

Close up of Jim in the air...

Posted by Picasa What a wonderful photo!!! Jim loved telling me about times he spent enjoying this great sport...He would go into great detail explaining each little maneuver! With this picture I can appreciate the hard work and patience that goes along with the sport! Thank you Maggie for having your camera that day!

Jim in action!

ahhh.....air! Nice work Jim! Posted by Picasa

Jimboarding at Peek n' Peak

What a wonderful photo of Jim! His good friend Maggie shared new photos with me! She took these snowboarding shots in the winter of Peek n' Peak...Anyone who knew Jimmy also knew how dearly he loved was his dream to continue improving and someday be an instructor! How grateful I am to see Jim in action! Thank you Maggie! Posted by Picasa

Jim on the slopes!

...Jim in the winter of his senior year at Peek n' Peak!